Swimathon 2007
The Endurance Sports Awards at Sea World
San Diego -- February 3, 2007
What a weekend for top Swimathon fundraisers Nik Keller, Edgar Orozco, Josh Rodriguez-Irons and Miguel Ibarra!
Accompanied by Cherie & Lee Gruenfeld, the kids were the guests of Competitor Magazine at the Annual Endurance Sports Awards Banquet at Sea World, which honored the top endurance athletes of 2006.
Great EE supporter David Brenner and his lady Lorena
hosted the kids at Chateau Brenner in Encinitas.
Front row: Miguel, Josh, Edgar
Behind Edgar: Cherie, Nik, David, Lorena
David tickled a few keys...
...then Miguel took over to show him how it's really
The eclectic program included Chopin, Mozart, Scott Joplin and
"My Heart Will Go On."
And we're not kidding -- the kid's a serious talent.
Then it was up to the roof to watch a Pacific Sunset.
David's a big-hearted guy but he has issues.
Don't worry: We didn't leave him alone with the kids.
Time to get dressed for the black tie gig.
Our very own gangstas.
Didn't know whether to take a picture or
hand over my wallet.
Enough posing. Time to have some serious fun.
Another great friend of the program, ace accountant
Elizabeth Farnan-Garfield, donated her talent and time to get
Exceeding Expectations set up as a 501(c)3 charitable foundation.
The kids set out to break the 2005 record for cleaning
Sea World
out of as many arcade prizes as possible.
Josh was determined to conquer the fiendishly difficult
Magic Wand. Let's just say it's a good thing he can shoot hoops.
The coach with 2007 World Ironman champion Michellie
and many-time champ Heather Fuhr.
Peter Henning is the guy who brings you those
fabulous Ironman television shows.
"You want a penguin? No problem: I'll get you a penguin."
The boys got to see some major sports legends,
including 2006 Tour de France winner Floyd Landis.
Cherie chats with cyclist Russell Allen, the last
member of the 1932 U.S. Olympic team.
The next morning, Josh is first up to greet the perfect
Southern California morning.
The rest join up to show off the evening's haul.
David and Lorena set about whipping up a sumptuous
waffle, egg and bacon breakfast.
Miguel and Josh help out by staying out of the way.
"Hey! What about me?"
After breakfast, it's off for some hoops and soccer.
David and Lee are soon crippled, but the kids seem unaffected...
...and strangely unsympathetic.
With Lee and David on the DL, might as well hit the beach.
Josh gets dunked, but Miguel and Edgar manage to escape.
"He ain't heavy. He's my teammate!"
A splendid time was had by all!